Hanqi Yan

I'm a PostDoc at King's college London, supervised by Prof. Yulan He, where I am focusing on robust and reliable language models.

I passed my PhD viva with no corrections after a great time in University of Warwick (2020.10-2024.04), advised by Prof. Prof. Yulan He and Dr. Lin Gui. I finished my M.S. at Peking University (2017-2020) in Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies and my B.E. at Beihang University (2013-2017) in School of Instrumentation and Optoelectronic Engineering.

During Ph.D., I started my Causality Journey in visiting professor Kun Zhang affiliated with Causal Learning and Reasoning Group@CMU. Before Ph.D., I started my NLP journey in visiting professor Wenjie Li affiliated Natural Language Processing Group @PolyU Hong Kong.

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Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. -- Albert Einstein

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I study interpretable and robust NLP models:


Large Language Model

matte Counterfactual Generation with Identifiability Guarantee
H. Yan, L. Kong, L. Gui, Y. Chi, Eric. Xing, Y. He, K. Zhang.
Neurips23, 2023.

We observed the pitfalls of LLMs in detecting and intervening the implicit sentiment, so we provide Identification guarantees for successful disentanglement of the content and style variables. This principled representations can shed light on the llm alignments, i.e., safe and moral generation.

icl Mirror: A Multiple-perspective Self-Reflection Method for Knowledge-rich Reasoning
H. Yan, Q. Zhu, X. Wang, L. Gui, Y. He
Under Review

Introduce a Navigator model to interact with the Reasoner by providing question-specific and diverse guidance in knowledge-rich self-reflection process without any supervision.

icl Addressing Order Sensitivity of In-Context Demonstration Examples in Causal Language Models.
Y. Xiang, H. Yan, L. Gui, Y. He
Under Review

We attribute the order sensitivity of CausalLMs to the auto-regressive attention masks, which restrict each token from accessing information from subsequent tokens. Thereby leading to our proposed consistencey-based representation learning method in addressing this vulnerability of LLMs.

icl The Mystery and Fascination of LLMs: A Comprehensive Survey on the Interpretation and Analysis of Emergent Abilities.
Y. Zhou, J. Li, Y.Xiang, H.Yan, L. Gui, Y. He
Under Review

From Macro perspective, Why In-Context Learning can learn Different Algorithms without gradient descent, e.g, Regression, Bayesian.

Self-Explainable Models

giant Explainable Recommender with Geometric Information Bottleneck
H. Yan, L. Gui, M. Wang, K. Zhang and Y. He
TKDE, 2023

To ease the humman annotation for rationales in Recommender, a prior from user-item interactions is incorporated into the textual latent factors for explaination generation.

hint Hierarchical Interpretation of Neural Text Classification
H. Yan, L. Gui, M. Wang, K. Zhang and Y. He
Computational Linguistics, 2022, Presented at EMNLP22.

Unsupervised self-explanatory framework for document classification. It can extract word-, sentence-, and topic-level rationales explaining the document-level decision.


kag A Knowledge-Aware Graph Model for Emotion Cause Extraction
H. Yan, L. Gui, G. Pergola and Y. He
ACL, 2021, Oral.

Commonsense Knowledge, i.e., ConceptNet is applied as invariant feature to tackle the distribution shift and Position Bias.

matte Counterfactual Generation with Identifiability Guarantee
H. Yan, L. Kong, L. Gui, Y. Chi, Eric. Xing, Y. He, K. Zhang.
Neurips, 2023.

Provide Identification guarantees for successful disentanglement of the content and style variables, further supports the intervention of latent attributes of the text. This principled representations can shed light on the constrained, i.e., safe and moral generation for large language models with noisy pertaining data.

matte Addressing Token Uniformity in Transformers via Singular Value Transformation
H. Yan, Gui, Y. Y. He.
UAI, 2022, Spotlight

Token uniformity implies more vanished dimensions in the embedding space. _SoftDecay_ is proposed to a range of transformer-based language models and improved performance is observed in STS evaluation and a range of GLUE tasks.

matte Distinguishability Calibration to In-Context Learning
H. Li, H. Yan, Y. Li, L. Qian, Y. He and L. Gui.
EACL, 2023

Token uniformity issue is still observed in in-context learning, we proposed an adaptor for more discriminative representation learning and improved performance is observed in fine-grained text classification tasks.

Professional Activities

Event Organiser: Co-Chair of AACL-IJCNLP (Student Research Workshop) 2022

Reviewers: EMNLP22',23', NAACL24', EACL23', AACL24', ACL Rolling Review,UAI23', AISTATS24', Neurocomputing, TOIS

Blog Posts

Reading List For Large Language Model
Induction Head_ contribute to In-context Learning
Debised Recommendation with Causality
Identifiability101 in Causality

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